Awareness through movement​

This method focuses on improving bodily awareness, movement efficiency, and overall functioning.

a key concept in the Feldenkrais Method, a somatic educational approach developed by Moshé Feldenkrais. The method focuses on improving bodily awareness, movement efficiency, and overall functioning. 

Awareness Through Movement refers to a series of guided lessons or exercises designed to enhance self-awareness and improve the quality of movement. These lessons encourage individuals to explore their movements in a mindful way, helping them develop a better understanding of their body and its habitual patterns. 

Key Aspects: 

Mindful Exploration: ATM lessons are typically conducted in a verbal format where a practitioner guides participants through a series of movements. These movements are often slow and gentle, allowing individuals to explore and become more aware of their physical sensations, coordination, and ease of movement. 

Sensory Awareness: The primary goal is to increase sensory awareness of how movement feels in the body. Participants learn to notice subtle differences in their movement patterns and how these affect their overall comfort and efficiency. 

Learning Through Experience: Instead of focusing on achieving a specific physical outcome, ATM emphasizes learning through personal experience. Participants explore various ways of moving and discover what works best for them, leading to improved body awareness and function. 

Functional Improvement: As individuals become more aware of their movement patterns, they often find improvements in their daily activities. Enhanced awareness can lead to reduced pain, increased flexibility, and more efficient movement, as participants learn to move with greater ease and coordination. 

Integration of Mind and Body: ATM promotes a holistic approach by integrating mind and body. Through conscious exploration and reflection on movement, participants develop a deeper connection between their mental and physical states, leading to a more balanced and coordinated approach to movement. 



  • Increased Body Awareness: Participants gain a clearer understanding of how their body moves and functions. 
  • Improved Movement Efficiency: With greater awareness, individuals often find more effective and less effortful ways to move. 
  • Reduction of Pain and Discomfort: Improved movement patterns can alleviate chronic pain and discomfort. 
  • Enhanced Coordination: Greater awareness of movement leads to improved coordination and balance. 















Overall, Awareness Through Movement is a valuable practice for enhancing self-awareness, improving movement efficiency, and fostering a more harmonious relationship between mind and body.