My story

Hello, I’m Stelios, and my journey with the Feldenkrais Method has been nothing short of transformative. It began during my studies in Choral Conducting, at a time when I was pushing myself relentlessly in a highly competitive environment. At just 20 years old, I was practicing for 13 hours a day, battling intense stress that culminated in tinnitus before my university entrance exam. Despite these warning signs, I pushed forward, unaware of the profound importance of balance and rest. 

While my passion for music remained unwavering, my path was not without setbacks. Early vocal training left me disheartened and confused, particularly after a discouraging first singing lesson. Yet, through persistence and the guidance of an extraordinary teacher, I discovered my true voice. She saw in me what I had struggled to see in myself—an exceptional tenor with a natural gift. Her belief reignited my passion, setting me on a new course. 

Despite the challenges, I pursued my dream, studying choral conducting and classical singing in the prestige academy of music Hanns Eisler in Berlin Germany for seven years. However, even after completing my formal education, I found myself facing deeper questions, particularly as a singer. Traditional methods offered only fragments of understanding, leaving me searching for more. 


This search led me to explore beyond conventional music education. I immersed myself in anatomy, massage therapies, structural integration, and ultimately, the Feldenkrais Method. This approach was the turning point in my life. It allowed me to integrate my body, mind, and voice, unlocking the potential I had long been seeking. Feldenkrais taught me to work from within, to release limiting beliefs, and to embrace growth in all its forms. 

Today, I am flourishing not only as a singer but in everything I do. My journey has shown me that growth is not linear—it is a constant evolution. Through the Feldenkrais Method, I’ve learned to adapt, to listen to my body, and to thrive amidst life’s challenges.  

 I now dedicate myself to supporting others on their own paths. I believe the answers we seek lie within us, and my role is to help guide you in discovering them. My approach integrates all that I have learned, with the intention of helping you reach your fullest potential—both in life and in your art. 

People that tried cst- voice integration